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Oh Captain, My Captain

What Happened To Kirk Cousins?


By sunday umoh | October 8, 2019

As a fan in Washington I was a big Kirk Cousins fan. Cousins had to be the only bright spot post the RGIII era. A lot of fans may not agree with me I know. The love for Robert Griffin III did not leave immediately after he left and everytime Cousins threw the ball was a reminder of how he failed in DC (not all RGIII’s fault of course). As it’s been many years since the goofy socks, “No Pressure, No Diamonds”, #AllInForWeek1, and so many other RGIIIisms, is it finally time to admit Kirk Cousins was good in DC?

Yes, bring up those ill advised interceptions and turnovers that cost us games. I’ll bring up that “Hey, good quarterbacks in the league do that too”. The timing of those interceptions were terrible yes but I saw a young quarterback learning from all those bad mistakes. I saw a quarterback breaking records in DC. Kirk was carrying a team in his last year here that had no running game, defense, or wide outs whether it was due to injury or bad management (#FireBruceAllen). So when he went to Minnesota to signing that massive contract I was excited for him. He’s going to lead a team that has a great defense, running game, and offensive weapons he never had in DC all at one time. This team was just in the NFC Championship game led by Case Keenum. What could go wrong?


Kirk Cousins went wrong. My goodness, what happened? A team that was in the NFC Championship went 8-7-1. You had your good games but your supposed to be consistent. You did all that inconsistent stuff in DC. Back breaking interceptions that would make Bane jealous. You got GM’s all over the league pointing at you as the main reason players shouldn’t be getting fully guaranteed contracts. C’mon Kirk, Captain Kirk, I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you. You carrying that inconsistent play to this season too. You have Adam Theilen calling you out. And you had the nerve to apologize to him?! 


And why am I bringing up Kirk Cousins on a site that focuses on the Top 10? It’s because he was another reason why I made this site. I could not wait to put him in my Top 10. I defended him so much when he was in DC and in his first year in Minny. Awww man the arguments I was in. I meant them too. I can’t defend him now. Not anymore. The season is early still. He has a chance to redeem himself. It’s not too late to make my Top 10 Kirk. Captain Kirk.

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